My Story

Hi, I'm Sonia. Apparently I'm an artist. 

I say "apparently" because not long ago I would have never given myself that title. I didn't really pick up a paintbrush between 8th grade and November 2018, when I took my first (and only) art class. It was a 4-week course on Wednesday nights where I learned the fundamentals of acrylic painting. I dabbled a bit with abstract art, but didn't really throw myself into this "hobby" until early 2022. 

I didn't "throw myself" at it. That's an understatement. I stuffed myself into a cannon and launched myself into painting like my life depended on it. And now I can't go back.

I created for the sake of creating, and through painting I healed parts of myself that I didn't realize were broken. I had no plan. I still don't! I just went with it. 

In the spring of 2022 someone found me online (with <200 Instagram followers and asked me if I wanted to participate in an art show. I didn't have much to show at the time because friends and family were scooping up my paintings faster than I could finish them (I also wasn't going very fast), so I said I'd join a later one. 

That lit some kind of small spark within me. It was like a small voice, that had always been there, started to whisper "paint". So I did. All I could think and dream of was painting. Colour combinations came to me in my sleep. I found inspiration everywhere I went. The two months I spent in Europe without my art supplies were agonizing, but I took pictures and made mental notes of what I'd bring back to my art. 

As soon as I got back, all I could talk about was this art show. All I did outside of work was create and prepare. I was so focused that the actual show came and went in the blink of an eye, and all I was left with was a deep sense of gratitude for all of my friends and family who were there --in person and virtually-- supporting me. Everyone wanted to hear the stories behind each piece, and I wish I could have talked to each person for an hour. But I didn't think too much of it.

What I did know was that I needed to get my art to more people. So this is where we are. I accidentally created this "business" and community, and now you're browsing through my website and reading another story. 

I don't paint as my full-time job. But I am a full-time artist because that's all I can ever think about. It's what I dream about. Thank you for your support. It helps that little voice get louder, and gives me energy when I lose my way.

I'm not sure how to end this little anecdote, so I'll leave you with this question:

What story are you longing, aching to tell? You talk, I'll paint.

Get in touch to create something with me.